audits & inspections

Futuresafe can provide a range of audits and inspections across a range of industries to suit your own individual requirements:

Safety Management System Audit: This is an audit of the management of health and safety within a company to determine the current level of statutory compliance. It includes guidance and recommendations in relation to the on-going management of health and safety, as well as an assessment of safety policies, procedures and risk assessments from across the organisation. The report contains findings, recommendations, photographs where relevant, and timescales for actions broken down into high, medium and low priority.  It is recommended that these audits are carried out annually.

Safety Inspections: A thorough check of all work activities and documentation on site. The frequency of these inspections can be varied dependent upon the activities being assessed; from monthly or quarterly to annually. Inspections can be planned in advance, or spontaneous and unannounced.  An inspection report is provided post each visit.

An inspection generally lasts for 2-3 hours, however this can vary depending on the size and complexity of the workplace. On all visits we will thoroughly check all work activities and documentation. Findings and recommended remedial actions are reviewed with the person in charge or another nominated representative before leaving the site.

Reports can be inclusive of photographs of both good and bad practice.

All audit and inspection reports can be provided in either electronic or hard copy format.

Property Safety Audits

Based upon obligations imposed under the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and in particular requirements outlined under the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 Futuresafe has developed a health and safety property service that deals with all of the safety legislation.

Our services include reviews of individual properties and/or portfolios to assess items such as health and safety, asbestos, fire safety, disability and water hygiene. Detailed considerations include items such as access equipment (inc. hoists, man-safe systems) general cleaning, window cleaning, waste management and COSHH etc.